The DC Mystery Anthologies 1968-1976
by Peter Enfantino and
Jack Seabrook
Jack Seabrook
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Luis Dominguez |
"Specter in the Surf"
Story Uncredited
Art by E. R. Cruz
"The Midnight Ghost"
Story Uncredited
Art by John Calnan and Tex Blaisdell
"The Death-Demon of Prague"
Story Uncredited
Art by Jose Delbo
Jack: Lisa waits on a Honolulu beach while her boyfriend Greg takes a surfing lesson from expert wave rider Jim. No one pays attention to the ghostly "Specter in the Surf," but when a storm comes up and Jim tries to ride it out on his board, he ends up dead atop Devil's Peak. Yep, that's it. Lots of images of the Grim Reaper in the big waves, though the narrator tells us it was supposed to be a helpful warning rather than a harbinger of doom.
Peter: Though it's very much like a Discovery Channel special on surfing and the dialogue is pretty ripe ("I got really tubed!"), I thought this was a cut above the usual Ghosts fare. E. R. Cruz's art doesn't hurt, of course.

Peter: I'm a little confused--did Blackburn seek redemption for his sins once he made it to the "other side" or did Uncredited simply type a few pages out and forget about it?

Peter: Funny that "Death-Demon" arrived on the heels of the cancellation of Marvel's "Golem" series (Strange Tales #174-177, June-Dec 1974), not that Marvel owned any rights to the character. It's not a bad little story but Jose Delbo has a definite problem with size ratio. His Golem goes from standing a bit taller than a man to tearing apart tanks with his bare hands.
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Luis Dominguez |
"The Island of Crawling Flesh!"
Story by Michael Fleisher
Art by Arthur Suydam
"The Girl in the Red Dress!"
Story by Steve Skeates
Art by Gerry Talaoc
"Point of No Return"
Story by Jack Oleck
Art by Alex Nino
Peter: Dr. Karl Lorenth travels half-way across the world (with his wife, Edith) to "The Island of Crawling Flesh!" to study the inhabitants, a tribe of people saddled with a mysterious disease that causes the flesh to fall from its victim. When Lorenth gets to the village, he becomes so obsessed with the disease that he begins experimenting on the villagers. After several tests, Lorenth becomes convinced that the virus is spread by mosquitoes but keeps quiet so that the he can study the progress of the disease as it spreads. A boat arrives and Edith races to meet it. On board is Dr. Brangley, a scientist who has been studying the same disease on another island, who brings bad news to the Lorenths: the disease is not spread through the mosquitoes but caused by the lovely fruit on the island, a delicacy that the Lamberths have been dining on regularly. By the time Edith and Brangley make it back to Karl's hut, he's reduced to mush. Edith quickly follows. Brangley decides to keep his knowledge of the disease from the villagers so that he can study its progress.
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The interesting artwork of Arthur Suydam! |
Love him or hate him (and, judging by the rants recently on the internet, it's mostly the latter), Arthur Suydam never turns in a job like any of his peers. It's been a while since we welcomed Suydam into our treehouse of DC horror, but he seems to have tamed his wild pencil at least a tad, no? Gone are the wild, grotesquely exaggerated figures, replaced by a different, but equally stylized, method of storytelling. Vintage Michael Fleisher with an engaging script and a nice, double-twist climax. The memorable title is worthy of the bottom of a Christopher Lee-Peter Cushing double bill. This one will chart high on the Year End list.
Jack: The infamous Tuskegee syphilis experiment was leaked to the press in 1972, so I assume Fleisher was thinking of that when he set this story on the remote island of "Tus-Kee-Gee," where black folks are subject to the ravages of disease in the interest of science by unscrupulous researchers. I love Suydam's art, at least what we've seen of it so far, and I think he's at the top of the heap among the artists we're seeing in DC horror in 1975.
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At least one of us would also be killed. |
Jack: Where in the world do they have big signs with scantily-dressed beauties warning pedestrians to "use caution when crossing streets"? This is what is called in the legal world an "attractive nuisance."

Jack: It's not often that I wish one of these stories was longer than it is, but this seems rushed and Oleck could have taken more time to play it out and clarify a few things. Nino's art is gorgeous and I would have liked a few more pages of it. Too bad this wasn't ten pages long--they could've eliminated the three-page middle story in this issue. With Suydam, Talaoc & Nino, House of Secrets hits a trifecta of my favorites and the art gets a A+!
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Bernie Wrightson |
"Way of the Werewolf"
Story by Jack Oleck
Art by Gerry Talaoc
"Cold Cold Heart"
Story by Jack Oleck
Art by Ricardo Villamonte
Peter: The Baron has offered a thousand gold pieces for the capture of the werewolf who has been terrorizing the village. Though the peasants have tried, the creature eludes them time and again. Exhausted, the werewolf rests in a barn and transforms back into his human form and the next morning he is discovered by the couple who own the farm, Sandor and Anna. The kindly couple nurse Bartok back to health and throw the authorities off his scent. When he's back to one hundred per cent, Bartok decides he has to kill the old couple to keep them silent. Sandor and Anna have other ideas though as they trap the werewolf and hand him over to The Baron, explaining to Bartok that they are vampires who are seeking sanctuary in the village. The joke's on the two-timing couple though when they turn Bartok over to the men who work for The Baron only to find out that Bartok is The Baron! The vampires are staked. Groan! Proof that, by 1975, all the original plot lines that involved vampires vs. werewolves had been used years before in the pages of Creepy and Eerie. What's the most unclear is why The Baron/Barto would offer up a reward for his own capture. Did he think after the villagers turned him over, his curse would disappear? Jack Oleck proves, with "Way of the Werewolf," that while he could be a great yarn spinner, he could also lounge with the best of them.
Jack: Gerry Talaoc delivers superb art in this tale which, at a rather long 11 pages, managed to keep my interest up to twist number one. Vampires? No! Not again! There are a number of wordless panels that have a nice sense of mystery but Oleck's irony piled upon irony does not match up to the beautiful pictures.

Jack: Pretty standard until Philip gets frozen, then it veers off into sci-fi territory before that unexpected and terrific ending! I was working up a Walt Disney joke to crack but the words froze in my throat. The ending, with the snake men ready to dissect Philip, recalls so many wonderful pulps of the old days.
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Luis Dominguez |
"Dead Heat"
Story by Mike Pellowski and Robert Kanigher
Art by Ernie Chan
"Fish Story"
Story by Jack Oleck
Art by Alex Nino
Peter: Nick and Bud, two ambulance drivers, have a sick game going: they keep score on how many of their customers live and how many die. Right now they're in a "Dead Heat" and awaiting the tie breaker. One night, they are called out to a wreck on a treacherous, twisting road. When they get the crash site, the victims look oddly familiar. It's Nick and Bud! Bob Kanigher takes that annoying habit he popularized in the war titles--running a catch phrase into the ground--and applies it to a horror story with predictable results. The road these two bozos are constantly called out to resembles something out of a Hanna-Barbera cartoon, complete with the bouncing ambulance. The climax, with its predictable pay-off, makes no sense whatsoever. Was the dispatcher that sent Nick and Bud out to their own wreck other-worldly?
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How did that poster get past the Code? |
Jack: You thought the ending was predictable? I thought it was a huge letdown that came out of left field. I was hoping for some sort of interesting revelation regarding the contest but it never happened. This comic came out right before Death Race 2000 in 1975, so there was no influence either way, though I had to wonder as I read if all the references to points came from the movie. Guess not.

Jack: Slightly better in story than "Dead Heat" and significantly better in art, "Fish Story" hearkens back to the old H.G. Wells/War of the Worlds twist ending where the unbeatable other is killed by an unexpected aspect of nature. There it was germs, here it's salt water. Nino's efforts are pretty much wasted.

Jack: I'm a sucker for silly frame stories, so I enjoyed this one, written by Steve Skeates and drawn by Ricardo Villamonte, in which Cain and Eve argue while poor Abel totters and then falls off a cliff. Abel always gets the worst of the deal!
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Nestor Redondo |
"House of the Sinister Sands"
Story Uncredited
Art by John Calnan
"The Big Heat!"
Story by Carl Wessler
Art by Frank Redondo
"The Haunted Lighthouse"
Story by George Kashdan
Art by Ruben Yandoc
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Some Kane? |
Peter: A really dopey read, "Sinister Sands" has a War That Time Forgot vibe to it. I wouldn't be surprised to find out it was written by Bob Kanigher.

Peter: Oh, what Carl Wessler could have done with a few more pages!
Jack: "The Haunted Lighthouse" is only haunted by an old keeper who likes to switch off the light occasionally and cause shipwrecks. He carts the booty off from the latest crash but fails to notice ship's crewman Frick, who survived and who follows the keeper into the lighthouse, where he is promptly caught and chained to the wall among the skeletal remains of other survivors. The young, pretty wife of the keeper frees Frick and is shot and killed for her trouble. Chasing Frick to the top of the lighthouse leads to a fall to the death for the keeper; Frick discovers his hoard of treasure hidden in the beacon when he turns it on. Unexpectedly, the beam of light summons the Coast Guard, who promptly arrest Frick and don't believe a word of his story about a murderous lighthouse keeper. Harmless fun with above-average art by Rubeny, as he likes to sign his work.
Peter: "The Haunted Lighthouse" is deliriously goofy fun and, Unexpectedly, I liked it a whole lot. Each page ramps up the Grand Guignol but I must say that it's hard to imagine that the Coast Guard never got wise to this nut's scheme. And doesn't anyone check a lighthouse now and then? Who cares. A rare ovation for George Kashdan!
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Ernie Chan |
"The Return of the Serpent"
Story by Paul Levitz
Art by Leopoldo Duranona
"Hell Hath No Fury"
Story by Robert Kanigher
Art by Ruben Yandoc
Peter: When he is informed that his cruise ship, The Realm Eternal, will be transformed into a floating casino, Captain Carstairs summons a demon from the sea to damage a bit of the boat to prevent the change. When the creature gets carried away, Carstairs sacrifices himself to save his ship. I love a good sea monster tale but "Return of the Serpent" is so confusing my head ached after reading it. Yes, that final panel, of the dead sea serpent, is pretty cool but everything that leads up to it (including Duranona's ugly, scratchy art) is a waste of paper.

Peter: Two young girls witness Philip murder his wife at a secluded estate and dump her body in a swimming pool. When they're discovered by the estate guard, they explain what they saw and he takes them to the pool. Philip lounges poolside with... the woman he had murdered, now very much alive! Perplexed, the girls leave, and Philip mentions to his wife how cute the girls are. When he dives into the pool, his wife follows and gives him an extraordinary kiss at the bottom. Drowning, Philip pops the top on the woman and we discover she's a robot. The exposed wires electrocute Philip and the pair sink to the bottom of the pool, alongside Philip's dead wife! That must have been one murky swimming pool for Philip to think he'd get away with hiding his dead wife at the bottom. Even though there's not much logic to "Hell Hath No Fury," I kinda liked it. I can't remember ever saying that about a Kanigher horror story. Yandoc's visuals are delightfully ghoulish and Ernie Chan's cover, though it's a bit misleading ("Return of the Serpent" only had one sea monster), is a classic.
Jack: I don't like the cover and this story is only readable because the one before it was so awful. Why does the robot gal try to drown Philip with a prolonged kiss? Why doesn't she short-circuit as soon as he pops the top of her head off?? And why is it so easy to remove her brain cap? This issue was so bad it could've been The Witching Hour.
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Luis Dominguez |
"The Corpse Had a Winning Hand"
Story by Carl Wessler
Art by Ruben Yandoc
"Cassandra's Curse"
Story by Carl Wessler
Art by June Lofamia
"Beware of the Snare of the Tarantula"
Story by Carl Wessler
Art by Jess M. Jodloman

Peter: It seems as though I'm cursed to write some variation on "Great art... lousy script" when it comes to a Wessler (or Kashdan)/Yandoc collaboration for the rest of my life as if I'm stuck in some really bad Witching Hour story. Well, at least there's that Yandoc art.

Peter: Amazing how Wessler still puts 1968 lingo into his 1975 characters. We really have to retire the old witch on the edge of town who has the potion for everything.
Jack: Pietro Mosca lives in Taranto, Italy, and dreams every night that he's a horsefly caught in the web of a hungry tarantula. He learns to "Beware of the Snare of the Tarantula" and thinks that the only thing that can save him from the recurring nightmare is the lovely Celia. To prevent her marriage to handsome Mario, Pietro shoots his rival, only to discover that reality was dream and dream reality. I'll admit it's a little confusing, but Jess Jodloman really shines in this gruesome story with all of his depictions of the fly with a human head being menaced by the shadowy tarantula. It's hard to select just one panel to reproduce!
Peter: Carl Wessler pulls off the rare hat trick: three lousy stories in one issue (and four for the month). Carl's desire to make "Tarantula" more than just a muddled mess makes it an even more muddled (and confusing) mess. I can picture all the nine-year-olds at the stand scratching their heads and muttering "So he was a fly the whole time?" I'm fifty-three and I'm doing the same thing.
The circulation figures were published this month in 1975 and here's how your favorite DC mystery title was doing:
House of Mystery 174,504
House of Secrets 161,190
Unexpected 175,018
The Witching Hour 175,787
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Next Week! Skiing and Dinosaurs Together at Last! On Sale August 24th! |
Good job, guys. I couldn't help but notice that a lot of the stories this time around had beach/water type themes. I found that interesting, since these issues were all from May, which would be the time of year people start thinking about the beach, swimming pools, etc. Do you think that having so many stories with such themes this time around was a planned thing by DC to tap into what some of the readers would be thinking about, or do you think it was just a coincidence?
You make a good point, but it could have been a coincidence. Issues with a May cover date probably went on sale in February and might linger on the racks as late as May, but I doubt it.
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