Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Caroline Munro Archive: Adam, June 1969

by John Scoleri

Welcome to the latest installment of another one of our semi-regular features on bare•bones, in which I feature rarities from my Caroline Munro collection. This time out I'm featuring another appearance of Caroline from the popular men's magazine, Adam.
June 1969, Vol. 13 No. 6
Cover photo by Alan Houghton
Unfortunately, unlike her November, 1968 appearance, which included a cover and four full-page photos, this time out she's only on the cover (referenced as Carolyn Munroe once again). 
Or at least that's what you'd think, unless you're an eagle-eyed observer. Turns out there's an ad for a paperback book on page 31 that features a photo of Caroline on the cover!

The Devil's Brand will be featured very soon in the next installment of the Caroline Munro Archive. If you can't wait that long (like me), no need to clip the above coupon—here's a link to order a copy on Amazon!


Jack Seabrook said...

I can only imagine the temperature in your storage closet--about 200 degrees! By the way, what was her real name?

John Scoleri said...

Would you believe Caroline Munro? And you know firsthand it's not good to store these rarities at such high temperatures... ;)

Jack Seabrook said...

I think I need to see the birth certificate!

Anonymous said...

I have this