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Steve Dunne as Uncle Rick |
All of these themes come together in Harold Swanton's script for "Bang! You're Dead," directed by Alfred Hitchcock. According to the title card, the show is based on a story by Margery Vosper (1912-1981), an English woman who ran a talent agency for many years. She has no short stories to her credit anywhere that I have been able to find, though she is credited with writing a short play called Tea for Three (1939) that adapts an Agatha Christie story. There was a radio play titled "Bang! Bang! You're Dead" that was broadcast on June 5, 1950, as part of the series, Hollywood Star Playhouse. One online source credits Vosper as that episode's writer, but the show is lost and no summary has been found, so it is uncertain as to whether it was an earlier version of the Alfred Hitchcock Presents episode. The radio series presented original suspense plays, so it is possible that Vosper wrote the play for radio in 1950 and Swanton adapted it for television a decade later.
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Biff Elliot as Fred |
Hitchcock here demonstrates the importance of the screenwriter in adapting a source and altering it for film or television. In 1936, he was a young director near the beginning of his career, adapting a novel by Joseph Conrad, one of the most admired writers in the English language. It would have been audacious for Hitchcock to change a key event in the book simply because he thought it would not sit well with the viewing audience. By 1961, when he filmed "Bang! You're Dead," and by 1962, when he spoke with Truffaut, Hitchcock was an old master, at (or just past) his prime as a filmmaker, for whom changing any source story for the screen was not a concern. The point of his comment in the context of Sabotage and "Bang! You're Dead" is that the script matters, and Hitchcock, who was a master of audience manipulation, understood that.
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Billy Mumy as Jackie |
"Bang! You're Dead" was first broadcast on NBC on Tuesday, October 17, 1961. The show opens with a close up of a gun being loaded by a little boy named Stevie, who proceeds to have a pretend shooting war with another boy hiding behind a tree. The two boys are on the front lawn of a suburban American home and there is a third boy present named Jackie Chester. A few years younger than the others, Jackie wears a cowboy hat and wants to join them in battle, but Stevie tells him that "'This is our war''" and runs off, leaving Jackie alone with his pretend revolver.
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Rick scares Jackie with the tribal mask |
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Lucy Prentiss as Amy |
Jackie leads Uncle Rick upstairs to show him his room, leaving Fred and Amy alone in the living room. She telephones to find out why Cleo is late, while Fred looks at the African tribal mask once again and remarks that "'I must say I don't care for it next to the olives.'" To him, it is merely a "'conversation piece.'" Up in Uncle Rick's bedroom, he tells Jackie that he "'never did meet Tarzan,'" perpetuating a cultural depiction of Africa that he thinks the little boy will understand. Jackie again points his gun at Rick, telling him to "'fork over,'" at which point Rick gives the boy a coin. He adds that he has a surprise for Jackie that will have to wait until after the party that will soon begin downstairs.

Hitchcock uses an insert shot here to show the viewer the bullet in the revolver's chamber as Jackie spins it, the way he has seen cowboys do it on TV. The extreme close up of the gun allows us to see where the bullet is and to know how soon it will be in a position to be deployed. When discussing this episode, Hitchcock later noted the importance of what he called the "'big inserts of the gun.'" Jackie leaves the bedroom and walks downstairs, where Uncle Rick is sitting in an easy chair, holding the African tribal mask. "'I guess it's as good a way as any to work up the people,'" he says, looking at the object, "'I tell you, if you could just see it, or hear it, you'd wish you were six years old again, shooting honest Injuns.'" Jackie walks up behind Rick as he makes this comment, a comment which ties together the violence occurring in Africa with the pastime of little boys who imitate their ancestors' murder of Native Americans. The comparison between the history of the American West and the then-current events in Africa is shocking and demonstrates how, to people like Rick, Fred, and Amy, it is all something to be discussed lightly, a topic suitable for the pretend world of little boys.
Meanwhile, Amy is on the telephone, annoyed that the Black maid is late in arriving to set up for the party. Jackie approaches her with the gun. The viewer understands that there is one bullet in the gun, and Jackie spins the cylinder as his mother tells him, "'Don't bother me, honey.'" Another insert of an extreme close up of the gun shows Jackie's finger pulling the trigger and we wait to see if the one in six chance that he will shoot his own mother point blank will come true. Fortunately, the hammer lands on an empty chamber and Amy is spared. Jackie paces around the living room, the camera at his level, so the viewer sees the adults only from the waist down. As they discuss Cleo's delayed arrival, Fred tells Jackie to go outside and play, suggesting that he see if he "'can bring down a real live maid.'" Though it is said in jest, Fred has just suggested that Jackie head outside to shoot a Black woman, foreshadowing the near-miss at the episode's conclusion.
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Karl Lukas as the mailman |
Jackie arrives at the supermarket and mounts a coin-operated toy horse outside, pretending to ride it. He takes a coin out of his pocket to start the horse's motor and a bullet falls out; in another insert, we see him put a second bullet in the gun. Now, instead of a one in six chance of disaster, the chance is one in three. At home, his mother is on the telephone, trying to track down her son. Fred is outside, interrogating Stevie, when Rick pulls up and tells Fred and Amy that the mailman said Jackie was "'heading for the supermarket.'" The three adults take off in pursuit of the boy, who is still riding the horse. A close up shows the position of the two bullets in the cylinder as Jackie again pulls the trigger repeatedly.
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Olan Soule as the over-indulgent father |
Imitating what he has just seen, Jackie inserts a third bullet from his pocket into the chamber of the revolver. A friendly grocery clerk, unaware of the danger, tells Jackie to "'Keep out of mischief'" and adds that he'll "'see you on television,'" reinforcing Jackie's inability to distinguish the real danger he poses to the actions he sees on the small screen at home. At the front of the store, Amy finally arrives but has to wait her turn while the market clerk deals with a Girl Scout troop leader who is looking for cardboard cartons to make a puppet theater. Once again, the fantasy world of performance encroaches on the real world. Amy is sent to see the store manager, who also makes her wait while he deals with another customer. Just as she is asking him to make an announcement over the P.A. system, he is interrupted by a phone call, and she leaves the office to search the store herself.
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John Zaremba as the store manager |
A pretty young woman approaches the little boy and avoids being shot by popping a couple of "Jiffy Snacks" into his mouth. Amy returns to the manager's office and he makes an announcement, but at this point Jackie has once again found the bratty little girl and her father. Just as the announcement is made, the man loudly grinds coffee beans in a machine, obscuring the message. Jackie is about to shoot the little girl when the other boy with a gun runs up, and the two little boys run off down the aisle together. As Amy grows more frantic, Jackie is spotted out in the parking lot, and she runs outside to rejoin Fred and Rick, who have also been searching for the boy. Amy nearly faints when she hears what sounds like a gunshot, but it turns out to be a backfire from a jalopy.
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Marta Kristen as the Jiffy Snack girl |
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Juanita Moore as Cleo |
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Fred throws the mask |
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A near miss! |
Though Peter Bogdonovich wrote that this episode was "probably the most suspenseful of all the television films" directed by Hitchcock, it is more interesting to study this show than it is to watch it. Donald Spoto wrote that Hitchcock "took over for an ailing director" but that, by 1961, Alfred Hitchcock Presents "had little interest for Hitchcock; he would return only for one more effort in television (which was beginning to bore him) and this would be a year later" ("I Saw the Whole Thing"). "Bang! You're Dead" has all of the building blocks of suspense, but it lacks a musical score, instead using only pieces of incidental music. The key scene at the end is played in real time and thus is hard to make out--one must freeze the DVD of the episode and advance frame by frame to realize exactly what is happening. The clear subtext of race relations is something that has been overlooked in criticism of this episode to date, even though it is obvious while watching the show.

Playing Jackie's father Fred is Biff Elliot (1923-2012), who was born Leon Shalek and who served in World War Two. He was on screen from 1950 to 1986 and played Mike Hammer in I, the Jury (1953). He was also on Star Trek and he was seen in five episodes of Alfred Hitchcock Presents, including "The Day of the Bullet." A website is devoted to him here.
Amy, Jackie's mother, is played by Lucy Prentiss, who was born Lucy Propst and who had a brief television career from 1960 to 1962. She appeared in one other episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents.
Juanita Moore (1914-2014) lights up the small screen as Cleo, the maid. She had a six-decade career on screen from 1939 to 2001, and is best remembered for co-starring in Douglas Sirk's remake of Imitation of Life (1959). She was also in three episodes of The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, including "Where the Woodbine Twineth."
Only sixteen years old when this episode was filmed from July 25th to 27, 1961, Marta Kristen is instantly recognizable as the Jiffy Snack girl who speaks to Jackie in the supermarket. Born Birgit Rusanen in Norway, she has had a long career on screen that began in 1960. She was in one other episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents ("The Gloating Place") and will always be remembered for her role as a regular cast member of Lost in Space (1965-68).
A seven year old playing a five year old, Billy Mumy (1954- ) is the real star of the show as Jackie. He does not recall the filming process fondly and tells a story of Hitchcock playing cruel trick on him in order to get a close up shot at the end of a long day of filming. On and off screen since 1957, Mumy appeared in three episodes of the Hitchcock show, including "House Guest," as well as three episodes of The Twilight Zone. In fact, the famous Twilight Zone episode, "It's a Good Life," aired just 17 days after "Bang! You're Dead" had aired on Alfred Hitchcock Presents. Mumy went on to co-star with Marta Kristen on Lost in Space and is still acting as of this writing. A website devoted to him is here.
In smaller roles:
- John Zaremba (1908-1986) as the supermarket store manager; he was on screen from 1944 to 1986 and was seen on The Twilight Zone, Thriller, and Batman. He was in eleven episodes of the Hitchcock show, including "The Kerry Blue."
- Karl Lukas (1919-1995) as the mailman; born Karol Louis Lukasiak, he was on screen from 1951 to 1991 and had roles on Batman, Night Gallery, and The Odd Couple. He had begun his career on Broadway in the 1940s and was a semi-regular on The Phil Silvers Show (1955-58). He was in five episodes of the Hitchcock show.
- Olan Soule as the overly indulgent father of the little girl at the supermarket; he started out on stage and on the radio in the 1920s and went on to a long career on screen and as a voice actor from 1949 to 1991. He was on the Hitchcock show eight times, including "Little White Frock," as well as on The Twilight Zone and Batman. Later in his career, he was the voice of Batman in cartoon series.
"Bang! You're Dead" was remade as one of four segments making up the TV movie pilot for the 1980s' color remake of Alfred Hitchcock Presents. The movie aired on May 5, 1985, and Harold Swanton's script was revised by Christopher Crowe. This time, the protagonist is a tomboy who is told to play with her dolls by one of the boys playing war games, which have replaced the cowboy and Indian games of the earlier version. Her uncle is back from Central America, not Africa, but his remark about not being able to do business in a country blowing sky high is retained.
The racial theme of the first version has been eliminated. There is no Black maid and no parallels with colonialism in Africa. The acting and direction are no match for those in the earlier version and the performance by the actress playing the little girl with the gun only serves to underline how good Billy Mumy is in the role. The highlight of the remake comes when an adult Bill Mumy makes a cameo appearance as a clerk in the supermarket. At the climax, instead of shooting at the maid, the little girl shoots at the little boy who won't let her play war games; the sequence is depicted in slow motion, which is more effective than the real-time depiction used by Hitchcock, since in Hitchcock's version the events happen too quickly for the viewer to process.
Unfortunately, the original version of "Bang! You're Dead" is not available on U.S. DVD or online. This may be part of the reason why the main themes of the episode have been mischaracterized in the ensuing decades. In fact, Bill Mumy, in his interview for the Archives of American Television, incorrectly recalls the plot as involving a little boy playing "'cops and robbers'" and says that the child's uncle returned from a holiday.
The remake of "Bang! You're Dead" may be viewed for free online here.
In two weeks: The Twelve Hour Caper, starring Dick York!
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Bianca Rose as Amanda in the 1985 version |
Unfortunately, the original version of "Bang! You're Dead" is not available on U.S. DVD or online. This may be part of the reason why the main themes of the episode have been mischaracterized in the ensuing decades. In fact, Bill Mumy, in his interview for the Archives of American Television, incorrectly recalls the plot as involving a little boy playing "'cops and robbers'" and says that the child's uncle returned from a holiday.
The remake of "Bang! You're Dead" may be viewed for free online here.
"Bang! You're Dead." Alfred Hitchcock Presents, 5 May 1985.
"Bang! You're Dead." Alfred Hitchcock Presents, season 7, episode 2, NBC, 17 Oct. 1961.
Dunning, John. On the Air: the Encyclopedia of Old-Time Radio. Oxford University Press, 1998.
The FictionMags Index, www.philsp.com/homeville/FMI/0start.htm.
Grams, Martin, and Patrik Wikstrom. The Alfred Hitchcock Presents Companion. OTR Pub., 2001.
IMDb, IMDb.com, www.imdb.com/.
"Karloff's THRILLER Coming to DVD!" Classic Horror Film Board, 3 Apr. 2011, www.tapatalk.com/groups/monsterkidclassichorrorforum/karloff-s-thriller-coming-to-dvd-t26595.html.
"Mini Reviews #14." A Sign of the Crimes, signofthecrimes.blogspot.com/2018/02/mini-reviews-14.html.
New York Times, 5 June 1950.
Rudel, Ulrich. "Cinema En Miniature: The Telefilms of Alfred Hitchcock." The Alfred Hitchcock Presents Companion, pp. 97–108.
Spoto, Donald. The Life of Alfred Hitchcock: The Dark Side of Genius. Collins, 1983.
SPRING 2019 - Clearwaterbooks.co.uk. www.clearwaterbooks.co.uk/images/Clearwater_Books_Catalogue_Spring_2019.pdf.
Truffaut, Francois. Hitchcock. Simon and Schuster, 1967.
Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, www.wikipedia.org/.
Www.digitaldeliftp.com. The Digital Deli Too Golden Age Radio Preservation Home Page, www.digitaldeliftp.com/DigitalDeliToo/dd2home.html.
I know it so badly I had no idea all those people were in it, like Juanita Moore. It's especially funny to imagine Billy Mumy aggravating Marta Kristen in something as early as this.
Whenever someone says that people never used to talk seriously about guns, including kids and guns, maybe they're GENERALLY right, but this story is a very big exception.
Swanton's teleplay is subversive. On the surface, it's about kids and guns, but not far beneath the surface, it's about so much more.
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