The DC Mystery Anthologies 1968-1976
by Peter Enfantino and
Jack Seabrook
Jack Seabrook
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Nick Cardy |
"The Creator of Evil!"
Story by John Albano
Art by E.R. Cruz
"The Day the Clock Stopped?"
Story by Robert Kanigher
Art by Ruben Yandoc
Peter: Why are seemingly sane men flipping out and committing unspeakable acts like patricide, uxoricide, and reading Ghosts? That's just what reporter (and snazzy dresser) Phil Butler wants to find out. With the help of his father (the newspaper's owner), Phil connects the dots and discovers that all three murderers have one thing in common: they participated in the manslaughter trial of Boris Illytch. Smelling a Pulitzer, Phil heads to the prison where, miraculously, he's led into Boris' cell and left to speak to "The Creator of Evil." There, Boris confesses he's controlling the minds of the men who put him away with his super-telepathic powers. He's on a maniacal mission to destroy everyone who put him away and he's only just begun.
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"The Creator of Evil!" |
Jack: I think Prof. Psi turned YOUR brains to mush! This was terrible! Albano's script is dopey from start to finish and ER Cruz's art is bland. I had to laugh when Boris said he was killing off the jurors alphabetically--if I were Zeke Zithers, I'd feel pretty good about that! Prof. Psi comments that "Fundamentally, good and evil stem from the same source." Since when? And what source is that? This is a very disappointing way to begin what is usually the best comic of the month. Oh, and I had to look up the meaning of "uxoricide," smart guy!
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"The Day the Clock Stopped?" |
Jack: I didn't think much of Yandoc's art in this story, especially the awkward panel where a kid is hit by a car and goes flying. Did you notice that the clock is located at the corner of Burke and Hare? I kind of like the idea of a mortician sneaking around killing people, but we've seen this story before, where people stop dying all at once. Whenever lightning hits a clock tower I can't help but wonder if Marty McFly is nearby.
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Mike Kaluta |
"Make a Wish"
Story by Jack Oleck
Art by E. R. Cruz
"The Loser"
Story by Jack Oleck
Art by Quico Redondo and Abe Ocampo
"A Lonely Monstrosity"
Story by John Albano
Art by Nestor Redondo
Peter: Poor sweet little Jeff really believes that there is a world of elves and fairies on the other side of his orphanage wall, despite what the teachers and doctors tell him. With a little bit of hypnosis, Jeff finally sees the world for what it is: a land without hope and dreams. Wow! What a downer "Make a Wish" is, not just because it deals with the death of childhood dreams but because it's so blah. One of the most anticlimactic climaxes I've ever read but that may be as a result of reading so many of these stories where, in the end, the elves come back, eat the teachers, and save the day. There's no payoff, just an obvious moral (perhaps a thinly veiled slam at Oleck's audience?). The art by the usually reliable Cruz doesn't help either; little Jeff looks like a short man throughout, as though he's actually in the Academy of Stunted Growth.
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"Make a Wish" |
Peter: Poor henpecked Anthony can't do anything right. As far as his wife, Edith, is concerned, he'll always be "The Loser." After ten years of ruined dreams and failed expectations, Anthony is left with nothing but a bloated wife and a lay-off slip. Edith pushes him too far one time too many and it's Anthony doing the pushing, shoving his beloved down the cellar steps. But, as he gloats to his wife's coffin, the balding accountant learns to his shock and chagrin that he can't even commit murder without pulling a boner. His wife reminds him of that as she tells his ghost he was the one who fell down the stairs and the numbskull has been talking to his own corpse. Cute little yarn with a genuinely surprising ending. I would question why Edith is so calm while berating Anthony's spectre but some women are just tough.
Jack: Great ending to a dumb story. We've seen the shrewish wife and henpecked husband so many times that I found myself reading along thinking, "here we go again." But having the body fall down the stairs in shadow was a clue I should have picked up on, because--like you--I was surprised to find that Anthony was the ghost!
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"The Loser" |
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Choreography Hollywood could only dream of! |
Drake: And dig this! I've heard he's got a big bundle of bread stashed away somewhere in his basement apartment!
Ralph: A dodo like him with heavy green? You're putting me on!
Those cringe-worthy lines are attached to one of the oldest plots in history so the only saving grace then becomes the laugh-out-loud climactic battle between Toro and Ralphie. And, I'm sympathetic to people battling back pain but, seriously, aside from Quasimodo, has there ever been someone with as big a hunch?
Jack: Can this really be by Nestor Redondo? It's signed "N. Redondo," but was there a "Nicky" Redondo in the family? This story has very little of the atmosphere we've come to expect from Nestor and the first few pages reminded me more of the work of John Calnan. That's not a good thing. The scene where Ralph throttles Toro is kind of gruesome, and I'll never get enough of the early '70s mini-skirts and boots, but this story was a disappointment.
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Nick Cardy |
"Just What Did Eric See?"
Story by Bill Dennehy (Murray Boltinoff)
Art by Gerry Talaoc
"A Change for the Hearse"
Story by Carl Wessler
Art by Ruben Yandoc
"The Coffin Came on Time"
Story Uncredited
Art by Fred Carrillo
"A Madman's Loose Among Us!"
Story by Bill Dennehy (Murray Boltinoff)
Art by Lee Elias
Jack: One night, while it "slithered through the indigo blue waters off the California coast," the Sea Sprite hits something and Vance rushes in to tell Eric he heard a thud and a cry of pain. Eric dives into the water and rescues a beautiful young woman. Eric refuses to take her to a doctor and instead takes her home, nursing her to health and marrying her in a private ceremony, even though she never speaks or leaves her wheelchair. Vance may be right to wonder "Just What Did Eric See?" in this girl, whose happiest moments are spent cavorting with Eric in his backyard pool in the moonlight. One night, she returns to the sea, and Eric shows Vance the baby they had together--a mermaid, the image of her mother. Although Eric tells Vance it was "unexpected," the ending was telegraphed a mile away. Talaoc's art is the best I've seen so far this month. The Cardy cover alone would make me plunk down 20 cents for this comic!
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What grown-ups did in the '70s while we were riding our bikes to the comic shop |
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Early plastic surgery |
Peter: We don't get enough pages for us to involve ourselves in the back story of Mr. Rollins and the busted relationship with son, Bart, so his reaction to seeing his "son" at last after five years may come off a bit... harsh.

Peter: Two pages too long.
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Never hide in the iron maiden! |
Peter: Every story in this issue makes me think that Joe Orlando wrote down the ten most cliched horror plot lines, cut them in little slices, put them in a hat, and passed them around to his bullpen. Poor Murray got two of the most overused of the chestnuts.
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Nick Cardy |
"A Grave Undertaking!"
Story by Carl Wessler
Art by Jim Aparo
"Death's Dread Dirge!"
Story Uncredited
Art by Gerry Talaoc
"Happy Deathday, Sweet 16!"
Story Uncredited
Art by Bill Payne
Jack: Joe and Jessica have serious financial problems, so Jessica enlists her old beau Stan, now a successful mortician, to engage in "A Grave Undertaking!" She and Joe plan to fake Joe's death and cash in his $100,000 life insurance policy, but what Joe doesn't know is that Jessica and Stan have decided that Joe's death will be no fake. When the fateful day comes, Jessica is shocked to discover that Stan is dead and lying in Joe's coffin. Joe caught on to her plan and he and his scheming wife both meet their end in a violent finale. Jim Aparo can always be counted on to elevate even a tired tale like this one.
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"A Grave Undertaking!" |
Jack: While fighting the Jerries in North Africa, British Sgt. Bryan Lawlor buys a scarab from an Arab. In the battles that follow, he seems to avoid bullets while other soldiers fall around him to "Death's Dread Dirge." He becomes convinced that he is being protected by his lucky scarab until he discovers that all of his fallen comrades also possessed the same item. He grinds his into the dirt and is promptly machine-gunned to death. Gerry Talaoc has a nice way with horror but he can't draw pretty girls for beans. Cynthia does not look as good as usual!
Peter: Aside from Cynthia's dreadful hip lingo (like, that Arab scarab was groovy, daddy) and the really ugly art, I liked this one. I know that sounds like I've cut the totem pole down to one head and then proclaimed it a work of art but there's a legitimate knock-out punch in the climax and sometimes that's all you need. Having never experienced Gerry Talaoc's work before, I can tell I'm going to have problems when our exploration of DCs war reaches the 1970s and Talaoc becomes a mainstay of those titles. I'd compare it (and not in a favorable way) to Frank Robbins.
Jack: Mindy and Peter fight like typical teenagers. Mindy is about to have her 16th birthday party but Peter just wants to watch horror movies on TV. When Mindy's new boyfriend invites her to his house to celebrate her big day, Peter sneaks along behind to see what all the fuss is about. He sees that Mindy's boyfriend is about to sacrifice sis on the altar to Satan so he can become a full-fledged warlock! Fortunately, this does not become a "Happy Deathday, Sweet 16!" for Mindy, since Peter quickly draws a hex sign that witches fear and sticks it on the window. Wow! Who knew that wasting my time watching horror movies could end up teaching me something I needed to know to save my sister? This is a fun story that has absolutely superb art by Bill Payne. The stories we've seen that have been drawn by him so far have been spooktacular!

Peter: This one was chugging along like the Night Train but it ran out of coal before it got to the station. I love Payne's art, so stylish and life-like, reminding me very much of some of the better artists Warren used in the 70s. Sadly, Bill Payne never worked for that company though he did do one story for Skywald ("A Grave Beneath the Sea," Nightmare 1972 Annual), a publisher that should have taken advantage of Payne's talents to a much greater degree.
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Nick Cardy |
"The Curse of the Phantom Prophet!"
Story by Leo Dorfman
Art by John Calnan
"The Last Ride of Rosie the Wrecker"
Story by Leo Dorfman
Art by Alfredo Alcala
"The Spectral Shepherd of Dartmoor"
Story by Leo Dorfman
Art by Jerry Grandenetti
"The Phantom That Never Was!"
Story by Leo Dorfman
Art by Bob Brown and Frank McLaughlin
Jack: India, 1782, and British troops have just quelled a rebellion led by a holy man named Ratta Singh. When the town's rich merchants send their gold and jewels off on a British ship to protect them from the rioters, they also send the Peacock Throne, a sacred symbol and a national treasure. With his dying breath, Singh curses the ship and swears that it will never reach England. Sure enough, "The Curse of the Phantom Prophet!" takes hold mid-voyage, and a terrible storm sinks the ship, leaving the captain's skeleton sitting for eternity on the throne at the bottom of the ocean. This issue of Ghosts opens with standard fare, a dull story by Dorfman and uninspired art by Calnan.
Peter: Reading this was like being forced to watch one of those National Geographic specials when I was in grade school. Only difference is that, with age, I've come to appreciate the National Geographic specials.
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What would Alcala have done with Gunner, Sarge and Pooch? |
Peter: Gorgeous Alcala art (and I'm already beginning to sound like a broken MP3) but a stiff read right up to its awkwardly phrased expository:
Dead -- every one of them! Man, this is weird -- did all of 'em die just now... or when they took that direct hit, and the sarge collapsed over his control lever, which kept Rosie running till we reached our CP?
Much like "Death's Dread Dirge" (above), I wonder why this wasn't shuffled over to the latest issue of the recently launched Weird War Tales rather than Ghosts. For those wondering, Jack and I will cover WWT when we reach the 1970s in our coverage of DC's war titles (which, at our current pace, should be somewhere around late 2018).

Peter: Why would the shepherd's staff be visible? This kind of story makes me not want to believe in Ghosts.
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At least there's a sexy librarian! |
Peter: What a goofy story. So let me get this straight. Heaven curses the innocent folk on The Palatine to wreck on the rocks every night to teach a lesson to the bad guys who wrecked her? Oh, but don't worry, The Palatine never existed. It's just a "fake legend" according to the old man who tells the story. Huh? I think, with nine issues and 34 stories under his belt, Leo Dorfman needed a vacation something fierce! I find it curious that Ghosts remains the only mystery title lacking a letters page, instead taking that extra page up with the time-worn "text story" that no one ever read.
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Mike Kaluta |
Story by Sheldon Mayer
Art by Nestor Redondo
"As Long as You Live... Stay Away From Water!"
Story by Sheldon Mayer
Art by June Lofamia
"The Hag's Curse" and "The Hamptons' Revenge!"
Story by Sheldon Mayer
Art by Sam Glanzman
Peter: Henry Dewlip, accountant for a mob boss, sees his employer stash a suitcase full of mob money atop one of his ceiling panels and decides he's going to live the good life. As he's searching for the case, two simultaneous events happen to shape the rest of his life: a silent alarm alerts his boss that Henry is on to him and Henry's fairy godmother, in the form of a very young, precocious girl, materializes. The youngster finds the suitcase for Henry just as the mob boss bursts in with a machine gun. With two words, "Get Lost," the fairy makes the bad guy disappear. Smelling an easy out and in a "Panic," Henry asks the girl to "Get Lost" him, too. When he reappears, Henry finds he's on Lost Boulevard, where he runs into the dog and baseball mitt he lost as a youngster. Unfortunately for Henry, his "lost" boss is there as well. A wild and not altogether cohesive fantasy, reminiscent of the mid-70s Marvel work of Steve Gerber, who would throw in wacky elements like talking ducks. Sometimes it would work, sometimes not. Mayer's story has some really good bits to it, especially Lost Boulevard, but the little girl fairy godmother/former wicked witch needed some background detail to make her more interesting. I'm surprised Mayer didn't go with the obvious "Get Lost" as a title rather than the curious "Panic!"
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"Panic!" |
Jack: This story worked for me right up to the last panel, which was a disappointing twist. The idea of the witch/fairy godmother/10-year-old girl is funny, as is poor Henry's lack of understanding of her desire to help him. I especially like Max, the dragon she conjures up out of thin air. In one panel he hovers menacingly over a mob goon; in the next, he sits there and lets out a satisfied "BURP." I like this story's understated tone. It's another winner from the great Sheldon Mayer.
Peter: Horace Brown will never forget the horrible apparitions that he faced that night five years before: a huge ghoul, warning Horace "As Long as You Live... Stay Away From Water!" that the frightened young man assumed was a prank perpetrated by his fraternity brothers. Years later, at a dinner table on a sea cruise, he relates the story and upsets his wife. As he follows her out on deck, we see the name of the ship is the Titanic. Oh, here's a really fresh idea, a story about a guy who's cursed to drown and he's sailing on the Titanic! You can tell Sheldon Mayer did his homework since the life preserver is stamped "U.S.S. Titanic" despite the fact that she was a British ship.
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This is what happened in the years before Wikipedia |
Jack: OK, maybe Sheldon Mayer didn't hit the bullseye ALL the time. At least we know that June Lofamia was a guy.
Peter: After Basil the Black murders her granddaughter, an old woman places "The Hag's Curse" on him. Should he don his black armor again to fight, he will never be able to take it off. Sure enough, after a jousting match, Basil finds he's trapped in the armor. Nothing will help until he summons his court's magician, who tells his master the only thing he can do is send him into the future. Basil accepts the unknown over a life without bathroom breaks. In a second story, running parallel, the owner of Hampton Castle in 1972 is having monetary problems. The only repeat customer is an old hag. Some newspaper reporters arrive, claiming they've received anonymous phone calls tipping them off that something to do with Basil the Black would be occurring that day. Coincidentally, Basil the Black picks just that moment to materialize into his previously empty suit of armor. Seeing his predicament has continued despite eight centuries of travel, Basil exclaims that he'd rather be dead than trapped as he is. The old woman grants Basil's wish and "The Hamptons' Revenge" reduces the lord to a skeleton. A waste of time and paper, in both script and art, both stories together don't add up to half a good read. Too disjointed and silly, the "concurrent storylines" format is confusing and, eventually, confounding. Like Ruben Yandoc and Gerry Talaoc, Sam Glanzman will do a lot of war stories for DC in the 1970s. I'm hoping his art gets much better over time. In the letters page, Joe Orlando answers a missive from future Marvel artist Duffy Vohland, who begs for a continued series in Sinister House. Joe lets on that planned is "a series idea for Sinister House to be drawn by Redondo. And rather than have it continued forever, it will be several chapters long, and when finished, we will begin another, with new characters, settings, etc. Keep watching." As far as I can tell, that series never saw the light of day.
Jack: I couldn't figure out how I was supposed to read this story, since the two stories run in parallel columns going down each page. By the way, Duffy Vohland also complained that the pre-changeover Sinister House was "a bit too female-oriented."
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