Saturday, April 10, 2021

The Caroline Munro Archive: Diez Minutos, February 10, 1973

by John Scoleri

Welcome to the latest installment of this semi-regular feature on bare•bones where I share rarities from my Caroline Munro collection. You may have noticed that it's been more than two years since my last Munro post. Despite my primary focus on the print edition of bare•bones, it has always been my intention to continue to share relics from my archive here (where I can share them in color!). 

"When it comes to sitting, she proves to have a special technique." 
This time out, I'm highlighting a two-page spread in a Spanish magazine from 1973 with several great photos. While unattributed, I believe they may be the work of P.O. Stearns, who shot a lot of the early risqué photos of Caroline that turned up in early 70s magazine appearances. 


Diez Minutos (Ten Minutes)

Madrid-Barcelona 10/2/1973 (February 10, 1973)

Año XXIII, Numero 1,120 (Year XXIII, Number 1120) 

15 pesetas

page 66-67

(translated from Spanish)




It all happened quickly, as in a story, a movie, or in the imagination of young women around the world who dream of one day seeing their name among the cast in a famous movie.

Caroline Munro, paradoxically, did not intend for such a thing to happen when visiting London for the first time. She's young, pretty. Scottish, nineteen, beautiful and lucid. She aspired to grow in the great capital, to find a place under the sun of prosperity, progress, the youthful airs of London.

Coming from a humble family, she hoped to find a suitable job that would allow her to live with decency, perhaps to help her parents when circumstances made it possible.

She decided to move to Brighton. A sports fan, she participated in a spearfishing championship, getting a prominent position, which helped her name to appear in the newspapers. Then, the routine, the job search, the struggle of life.

Until one day David Bailey, an experienced photographer (Catherine Deneuve's ex-husband), a deep connoisseur of current film trends when it comes to female types, turned to her when Caroline was traveling through Chelsea.

"Miss, do you want to be my model?"

The question, of course, surprised Caroline at first. She almost didn't answer and continued her walk, but David Bailey insisted. He explained who he was. He asked about her. Finally, they came to an agreement: Caroline would start her career as a model, and try later, when she had some experience, to make the leap to the big screen.

Indeed, Caroline's first photos appeared in "Vogue" and "Harpers Bazaar." One of the magazines ended up on the table of a director of a major American production company. The man immediately knew he had found what he was looking for. Conference with London. Proposed film contract. And her time as a model, just started, was suspended.

The launch is serious, Hollywood is fully confident in her potential. In Europe, Caroline became very interested. So don't forget her name. She will soon be one of your favorites.

"She will surely have an excellent career in cinema."

"Here, Caroline seems to be challenging someone."

"Extremely sophisticated, but always beautiful."

"She looks very angry!"

(I apologize for the watermarks — but one of the other reasons I originally decided to scale back on such posts was I had gotten tired of seeing the scans show up on Facebook and other sites without attribution. At least now, the images themselves point back to the blog where fans can find a lot more Munro goodness between all of Jack and Peter's great posts!)

Be sure to bookmark the blog and check back regularly for more rarities from my Caroline Munro Archive!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I was missing seeing Caroline Munro here on your site. Nice photos and good report. And yes, you are right about them not giving credit to the photos and I had that happen to me too with my Adam Ant's photos. I hope you will upload more Caroline news! Regards :)
